The Justice League movie certainly leaves the DC Extended Universe in a different place than it found it. Aside from doing its best to restore a sense of hope and optimism to the DCEU, and the obvious implications of Superman’s return, it hints at a landscape that should feel more familiar to DC Comics fans overall. Granted, that’s all a little out there. But there are more concrete indications that we’re getting a different kind of DCEU from now on. But first, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Flash have some work to do. All three are slated for their own solo movies (with Aquaman due in December 2018, Cyborg scheduled for 2020, and The Flash awaiting a release date). It’s a relief to see that Cyborg gets a quick redesign at the end of this, because for a character who turned out to be quite interesting, he wasn’t an impressive visual. Arthur is on his way back to Atlantis to presumably embrace his heritage as Atlantean royalty. Barry is a step closer to becoming a CSI, and thus a little more like the Barry Allen of the comics and TV show. We also see a post-crime scene in front of Diana’s job at the Louvre, involving some elaborate art thieves. There’s a “J. Christopher Cleaning Service” they apparently used as a cover (I wonder if this is a reference to excellent comics writer Christopher J. Priest), and there’s a classy looking woman being led away in handcuffs. I almost wonder if there’s a detail I’m missing here, and if this is perhaps a sideways nod to one of Wonder Woman’s golden age villains or something (notably the original version of Cheetah…a very different character than the one we will meet in Wonder Woman 1984). Still, something like “art thieves” feels downright whimsical after the first few DCEU movies. But the key takeaway is the theme that has united the trilogy from Man of Steel to Batman v Superman to Justice League: hope. “Hope” has long been the preferred message of the DC Universe, and while the concept of hope as it relates to superheroes was introduced in Man of Steel (where the “S” as a literal symbol of hope is itself a quiet homage to Superman: The Movie) and lost in Batman v Superman, it would seem it’s here to stay after the conclusion of Justice League. Here’s hoping they can make it last…and even that we someday get a Justice League 2.