Are your email marketing campaigns turning fruitless? This might be the time to check some major Domain Name System-based Blackhole Lists (DNSBL). But first, let’s check out…

Why do Domains Get Blacklisted?

There are several reasons which can cause blacklisting. Some of them are:

Your emails have been reported as spam.An ISP (or even a country) is blacklisted.Your server (ISP, email provider) lacks proper configuration or has malware.Your IP has been detected in a Business Email Compromise attack due to criminal behavior.

These are some of the most common reasons which can land you on a DNS-based blacklist. Delisting depends on the specific list and the reason that got you there.

Relation Between Domain and Email Marketing

Check this out: Now, this email is from Mintable–that’s evident from the email address: And I know Mintable since I created a Non-Fungible Token with them, and this email is from the parent domain– So, in my right mind, I wouldn’t report emails from them as spam. Yeah, if they overdo it, I would definitely hit Unsubscribe. But the chances of them getting reported for spam are high if they send it from some other domain of which I don’t have any knowledge. So, having a separate domain for email marketing has two sides. The demerit is that your customers can flag the email as spam if they see an unknown domain. So ultimately, you will lose the very purpose of email marketing. The positive effects come in the picture if you’re a bulk sender. Having a separate domain for sending marketing emails will ensure that your main website domain stays reputed. But, if you take the permission of your recipients and follow the best practices, you can evade the much-dreaded DNSBLs without an extra domain name.

What is DNSBL?

DNSBL, also called DNS black lists, are a resource used by email providers to keep their users’ inbox spam-free. These lists are managed by 3rd-party agencies. And you have to request removal if the domain you use for sending emails is placed on one, after solving the issue which caused the listing, of course. Being on a DNSBL is never a good thing. They can cause email delivery issues like failed delivery or bounce-backs. And generally, they aren’t great for your market reputation either. Additionally, they alienate you from your prospects, causing losses. So, check these tools to see if you or your email provider has been blacklisted. I’m using a publicly available Google workspace IP address for this demonstration.


DotCom Tools DNSBL test can check for blacklisting from three different locations without creating an account. This utility scans these blacklists:

These were the results: With the DotCom blacklist monitor, you can set up automatic testing. So, you would be notified if your listed server comes into any of those lists. One can try the auto-testing feature free for 30-days.


Like the previous one, Blacklist Checker comes bundled-in in all SiteChecker’s subscriptions. At present, this blacklist checker supports scanning from over 15 blacklists.

Inmotion Hosting

Inmotion Hosting’s blacklist checker looks over a comprehensive database of 71 DNSBLs. Admittedly, this has no fancy user interface and lacks the auto testing feature as well.

MXToolBox: Blacklists

Blacklist by MXToolBox scans around 100 DNS-based blacklists MXToolBox has paid subscription plans for comprehensive blacklist testing. Even its free plan has auto testing that tests every week from 30 blacklists.


SpamHaus has a clean interface to check out for any blacklisting. You can simply put it in the search bar and click Lookup. Notably, this isn’t a monitoring solution. So, features like a subscription or automatic monitoring are absent.

DNS Checker

This Blacklist Checker tool scans over 50 blacklists. It checks both IP and Email Blacklists. DNS checker also doesn’t support any monitoring subscription.


Site24x7, as evident by the title, comes with a wholesome monitoring package that includes the Blacklist check as well. Currently, it scours from 10+ blacklist databases. All its plans with a 30-day free trial and has a real-time domain blacklist check. is an excellent tool that gathers results from close to 50 blacklists. Just enter your IP address and click Check this IP to get the output.


This DNSBL lookup utility checks from over 200 sources to ensure your email marketing goes on as planned. It’s free to use and doesn’t have any subscription options.


While seeing your server IP on a blacklist is very unpleasant, you shouldn’t panic. Just send a removal request, or use blacklist removal services, depending on the particular blacklist, to begin the delisting process. The removal process depends upon the magnitude of the issue, but you should never repeat the problem. On a side note, check out these website-monitoring tools to keep tabs on the overall performance of your online venture.

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