Businesses need to sell products or services. They can do this best when there is a personal connection between the brand and the consumer. You can not just build personal relationships with consumers by sending random marketing emails. Instead, you need to research the global consumer market and target only those audiences who will value your brand.  Companies use various tactics to achieve this but the best way is to apply the audience intelligence research concept. And, there are many automated online tools for such work. This article aims at presenting you with the best tools that will offer visible benefits.        

What Is Audience Intelligence?

It is an advanced marketing research technique to go beyond your customers’ voices. Audience intelligence is all about collecting numerous customer interaction data and finding a pattern from this huge raw data. The pattern will ultimately say why a certain group of consumer stick to a specific brand.  Such marketing research data will also answer what makes a brand’s audience special and the best way to connect with the audience.  As a result, the audience research intelligence collects various data points including the followings: 

Social media interactionsLikes and dislikes on a video, comment, content, or adNews consumptionSocial media follows and connectionsUsage data on apps, online marketplace, and websitesContent consumption choices for articles, videos, or audio

Now, an audience intelligence study will help you segment, format, and structure such survey data. Once analyzed, your marketing team can answer the followings about your consumer groups:

The consumers listen to whomTheir sources of informationTheir interests in brands and businessesCustomer’s preferencesSocial and personal beliefsLifestyle choices and affordability of such lifestyle

In a nutshell, audience intelligence is eliminating the guesswork from brand marketing and pinpointing your ad and marketing resources to the users who will convert. Now that you know the definition of this advanced marketing technique, it is time to check out the following audience intelligence platforms that make a buzz in the industry:   


Not everyone is your target audience. Hence, as a marketer, you need to understand and reach the audience that matters. Audiense helps you do that effortlessly through the audience analytics tool.  It uses social data to make you understand your target audience and empowers you to engage them smartly. Thus, marketers can identify the audience group that matters most for their business. This leads you to make better business decisions and enhance relevancy. Audiense also lets you segment the audience by showing what they want and how they are connected. Marketers can use the same platform for influencer identification — thus be able to engage with the audience in a better way. Moreover, this tool also shares personality insights on your audience that you can utilize to understand customer mindset. If you want to create a holistic media strategy, it will help you with that too. This platform lets you export data in PDF, XLS, and PPT formats to share with your teammates and clients. It also provides you with built-in report templates that you can use for meetings and analysis. 


With SparkToro, you get insights into your audience instantly. As a result, you can spend your time engaging with them, instead of researching. It analyses data from 12 social platforms — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, and Vimeo to name a few.  While manually parsing actionable data on your audience can be hectic, this tool does this job for you in no time by crawling through 80 million social profiles and web pages. Once you find the key factors that influence your audience, you can easily segment them and apply bespoke marketing strategies for them. SparkToro can collect demographic data on your audiences such as gender, designation, education, and political interest. You can also find out about their online behavior and activities using this tool. The platform helps you quickly gather structured data on your customers and filter them as per your preference. Moreover, you can export the data in CSV file format to use in your marketing campaigns. 


Brandwatch is a consumer research platform that marketers from all over the world trust for accurate audience analysis. This robust consumer research tool is all you need to access deep consumer insights. It uses 100 million online sources and goes over through more than 1.4 trillion posts to come up with precise data on your customers. Its highly-advanced AI technology lets you find instantly what you want. The tool can even perform image analysis using deep learning and neural networks. Brandwatch uses the machine learning technology of Brightview to categorize the data as your choice. Also, it integrates data from new sources more quickly than the other tools in the market. You can also scale up as you grow and integrate it with other applications you use. The tool has a flexible user interface that can display results using more than 50 live visualizations. It is also capable of comparing multiple data sets at a rapid speed. Besides proactive alerts and smart reporting, this tool is also suitable for sharing insights with stakeholders.


Looking for some quick insight data on ever-evolving consumer behavior for your company or clients? Quantcast can present all the interactive audience insights you want within a few seconds. It does the job of researching your potential customer segments to you can use the data to develop smart media and marketing strategies. Marketers get access to 100M+ online sources that they can utilize to make accurate marketing plans. This single platform is enough to strategies, activate, and measure powerful marketing campaigns. Crucial research data on consumer interests, purchase history, profession, used device, domain affinity, and demographics are available on Quantcast. Apart from revealing unique insights about existing customers, it also lets you discover new audiences to scale up your market cap. Marketers can also compare multiple audience data sets to view audience overlap and forecast unique audience reach for effective budget allocation. Furthermore, it assists you in reaching the most relevant customers by activating custom audiences.

People Pattern

People Pattern lets you understand the pattern of your potential customers utilizing science and audience behavior. Using it, marketers can readily analyze, target, and activate high-impact audience segments. While traditional market research can be biased and time-consuming, this tool analyzes social media data with data science technology to generate actionable market insights. You can identify demographic and psychographic attributes about the existing audience of your company. People Pattern can also identify and analyze the audience of your competitors. It also considers your target customer persona for lead generation from more than 500 million candidates. You can also use this platform to develop a personalized media strategy and identify influencers for your brand promotion.

NOW Affinio

Online marketers can go for NOW Affinio to analyze, categorize, and understand their target audience. It utilizes graph analytics to uncover meaningful patterns across social data you can visualize audiences using their common interests and affinities. With this tool, you can get the complete picture of the audience, including the silent majority that refrain from posting actively. By helping you find the content your audience consumes, NOW Affinio allows you to create personalized client pitches.  When it comes to planning and optimizing personalized campaigns, the platform is ideal for creating better personas, studying competitors, and finding relevant influencers. So far, you have discovered some tools for audience intelligence. Now, find below more about its use case, marketing effectiveness, and benefits.

Use Cases of Audience Intelligence

Pinpointing Brand Audience

Every business needs to identify its target audience to have a constant stream of revenue income. Niche product and service sellers need an even greater degree of user identification so that they can market their products at an affordable cost. Audience intelligence helps you to accomplish this.   

Categorizing Your Audience

Marketing teams need to segment their target audience into smaller groups so that they can show ads or marketing content effectively at a cheap price. Audience intelligence mainly uses criteria like audience size, demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and interests to categorize the audience. 

Segmentation by Social Demographics

Your marketing also needs to connect the dots between the small customer groups to find a social demographic pattern that links all these consumers on the global stage. This research is beyond general demographic data and is more about portraying your brand as cultural relevancy to your global audience.  

Influencer Discovery

Audience intelligence also helps you to identify the individual that functions as influencers for the previously segmented audience groups. Then, you can just partner up with these influencers to showcase your brand more in their posts and activities.  

Media Planning and PR

Audience intelligence study helps you to identify the right news media, social channels, PR media, etc., that your audience follows. Then, you can just post your brand messages on these selected platforms rather than covering all the media channels. 

Social Media Targetting for Ads  

You can also use this marketing technique to run ads and promotional campaigns in the right social media groups and platforms to attract the target audience. 

How Can Digital Marketers Leverage Audience Intelligence

Discover Marketing Opportunities

The main challenge of a digital marketing team is to increase their marketing effort compared to what they are currently doing. With consumer behavior intelligence, your marketing team can find more regions, cities, and cultures, where they can promote your brand.   

Find More Audiences

You might have kept aside a group of audience in the past since a promotional campaign on that group did not generate good results. You can apply audience intelligence research on those groups again to discover useful insights to rework audience targeting. 

Producing Creative Content

Audience intelligence can reveal what character, story, graphics, and sentiment your target audience like. Accordingly, you can produce your digital marketing content matching those data to make your content more effective. 

Brand Partnership Decision-Making

Sometimes your brand needs to partner up with another creative or technology brand to get assistance in sales and marketing. An accurate audience intelligence study will reveal which brand partners are more effective for your business.

The Benefits of Audience Intelligence

Final Words

Audience intelligence analysis is an advance and complex marketing research that you need to carry out carefully. Wrong marketing insight will waste your time, effort, and marketing budget. Not to mention, the ground you will lose to your competitors. Hence, you can not just go ahead and choose any online tool for audience research. You need to perform detailed research work on the platforms to confirm whether they are true to their words or not. You can save time and money on market research by checking out the above tools for audience intelligence analysis projects. If you find any tool satisfactory and deliver results according to your business model, you can sign up for that specific platform. You may also be interested in this sentiment analysis guide and the best social listening tools to make your marketing team more powerful.

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